Polyclinic Hospital North Sea
Phone: +7 (81537) 4-92-88
Address: Severomorsk Street. University, 10
Polyclinic Hospital North Sea
Phone: +7 (81537) 4-92-88
Address: Severomorsk Street. University, 10
Advisory and Diagnostic Clinic
Phone: +7 (81537) 5-16-50
Address: Severomorsk Street. Padorina, 18
City Children`s Polyclinic Hospital North Sea
Phone: +7 (81537) 4-18-99
Address: Severomorsk Street. Dushenov, 8, block 2
Health centers, clinics Severomorsk. All Severomorsk health centers are listed in business directory Mnogonado.net. If you are a representative of a health center in Severomorsk or Severomorsk region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.